Bigelow Family Scholarship Fund endowed

The gift will provide need-based support for undergraduate students in the College of Engineering.


Daniel C. Bigelow (BSE Aero ’82) has recently endowed the Bigelow Family Scholarship Fund, which will provide need-based support for undergraduate students in the College of Engineering. This gift qualified for the Third Century Matching Initiative.

Mr. Bigelow earned his bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering in 1982, and since then, Mr. Bigelow has been a devoted alumnus through his generosity to the University. He put his aerospace engineering degree to the benefit of his country as a pilot and bombardier/navigator in the U.S. Marine Corps, retiring with the rank of major. He currently serves as the president and managing partner of Monadnock Capital Management LP. He and his wife, Suzanne Cole, have two children, and reside in Philadelphia, PA.


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