
The Academic Services Office (ASO) serves Undergraduate and Graduate students within the Aerospace department and is located on the second floor of the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building (FXB).

Meet With An Advisor

Our team offers a variety of ways to connect with us throughout the year between events, drop in advising, and scheduled appointments.

Schedule an appointment.

We can also be reached via email at: [email protected]

If you would like to discuss a potential exception to your degree requirements or declare Aerospace Engineering as your major, please email us at [email protected] or call (734) 764-3350.


Stephanie Custer
2044 FXB
[email protected]

General Advising Tips

  • Come see us at least once a semester
  • Learn your degree requirements
  • Use your program schedule
  • Understand your degree audit
  • Be aware of deadlines such as the Add/Drop, Pass/Fail, and Withdrawing

Aero Program Sample Schedules

Students should use the aero program schedule to keep track of progress toward graduation. Most aero courses are offered every semester which gives flexibility for students to plan their schedule according to their needs. See below:

  • A generic aero program schedule is available here

Undergraduate Advising FAQ

Who is on my advising team, and what are their roles?

Your advising team is made up of four individuals:

  • Advising Admin- Your first point of contact, and can help with many issues: how do I enroll in a class, can I get an override for a class, how do I apply to graduate, etc.
  • Aerospace Undergraduate Advisor- Your Undergraduate advisor and can meet with you one-on-one to talk about academics- course registration, degree requirements, policies and procedures, and your future semester plans.
  • Faculty Advisor- Your faculty advisor is assigned to you when you declare your major in Aero and is there to give you advice throughout your time within the department. Faculty advisors are great resources when it comes to developing and delving into your area(s) of interest and for career advice.
  • Program Advisor- Krzysztof Fidkowski can answer questions about double-majors, scholastic standing issues, and utilizing an independent study course/project in your degree.

If you are dealing with physical or mental health issues, or are otherwise feeling like the semester is particularly difficult for you, please reach out to your Academic Advisor and the Program Advisor. They can often work with your professors and the College staff to help you get on track.

The idea behind the requirement is that there are other engineering disciplines that are useful for Aerospace graduates to be familiar with. We have designed the requirement to allow you an opportunity for breadth, or for depth (including pursuing a minor). The requirement is:

  1. All students must take ME 240, preferably during the sophomore year, and
  2. Students will then need to take two Engineering courses (at least at the 200 level) outside of the Aerospace department. Courses identified to be the most helpful to Aerospace students are: MSE 220, MSE 350; EECS 215, EECS 216; EECS 280, EECS 281

Some notes:

  • Students who are undecided may want to take MSE 220 and EECS 215. This gives you a grounding in materials science, and electrical engineering.
What is the Aero Tech Electives Requirement?
  1. All students must take an advanced (300-level or higher) math or science course. The most useful courses for most aero students are linear algebra (Math 419), numerical methods (Math 371 or 471 or Aero 423), or statistics (Stats 412).
  2. Including the advanced math/science class, you must take at least 7 (old curriculum) or 9 (new curriculum) credits. Anything technical—which includes most math, science or engineering courses – at the 300 level or higher counts.
What counts as general electives?

Almost anything. If you have 128 or more credits toward program (CTP), you have automatically satisfied the general elective requirement.

Where can I find more information about Aero’s Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies (SUGS) program?

Please visit our SUGS program page to learn more about the eligibility and application process.

What’s new with the Aero 205 requirement?

Starting in the fall, the specific requirement of Aero 205 is being replaced by a broader DBTF (design/build/test/fly) requirement.  ENG 100-700, Aero 288, or any DBTF special project classes (e.g. Prof. Cutler’s cubesat course) will meet this requirement. Note that, if you use ENG 100-700 to meet the requirement, you will need to add 3 credits of tech electives.

Degree Audit

To access your degree audit follow this procedure:

Step 1. Log in Wolverine Access
Step 2. Click Students
Step 3. Click Student Business
Step 4. Click Student Center
Step 5. Click My Academics
Step 6. Click View my advisement report
Step 7. Click Checklist report pdf

Degree Requirements

An academic advisor can meet with you each semester to discuss course progression, ensure they are taking the proper coursework for degree completion. Click here to view degree requirements.

Peer Advising

Who we are: Sigma Gamma Tau (SGT) is the national honor society for Aerospace Engineering. Our main goal is to foster the education of aeronautics and astronautics. With the objective of reaching out to students at the University of Michigan, we make ourselves available to provide easy and accessible peer advising support.

How to get started: Simply click the link below to access our Peer Advising contact form. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Peer Advising Contact Form

Contact SGT Francois Xavier Building 1320 Beal Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 P: (734) 330 1510 F: (734) 330 1000 [email protected]


The Rackham Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies (SUGS) program allows current U-M students to complete an undergraduate and Master’s degree in five years.

diverse student tests a composite motor blade with dual active flops (helicopter propeller) in lab
Aerospace Engineering student Devesh Kumar tests a composite motor blade with dual active flops (helicopter propeller) in the lab of Prof. Carlos Cesnik during a Day In the Life of the University of Michigan on April 17, 2012.