Congratulations George Halow on receiving the 2020 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impact Award

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Impact award was established in 2020 to recognize faculty who have made significant contributions to advancing diversity, equity & inclusion in the Department of Aerospace Engineering.

George Halow, Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Now in his second year as a Professor of Practice, George Halow has made great strides to improve the climate for our undergraduate students. Through his intentional efforts to host a diverse set of speakers including women from industry, academia, and government sectors, he’s doubled our enrollment of women in our Introduction to the Aerospace Enterprise (AE200) undergraduate seminar. His exceptional student instruction and enthusiasm for aerospace is contagious and makes our students feel welcome and a part of the Department. The “George effect” not only impacts our current students, but inspires prospective students local and abroad through our outreach programs. Additionally, George is an active faculty member on Aerospace Engineering’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee where he brings forth thoughtful ideas from his interactions with students.

Halow received his Bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering with a focus on aerodynamics from the University of Maryland, and a Master’s degree from Cornell University focusing on fluid mechanics and combustion. He also has an MBA from INSEAD (l’Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires) in Fontainebleau, France, where he specialized in operations and international business. Halow has conversation capability in both French and German, in addition to English.

The DEI Impact Award recipient is selected by the Aerospace Engineering DEI Committee, chaired by Professor Joaquim R.R.A. Martins. Professor Ken Powell received the DEI Impact Award in 2020.


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