Aircraft Design – Critical Design Review (CDR) Poster Session
FXB busy with hard working students eager to show off their work
The AEROSP 481 – Aircraft Design course, instructed by Professor Gokcin Cinar, had its Critical Design Review (CDR) Poster Session in the FXB atrium on Friday, December 1.
This semester, students were asked to design a Heavy-Lift Aircraft (HLA) in conjunction with the 2024 AIAA Team Aircraft Design Competition. This year’s RFP challenged participating teams to design a replacement aircraft for the US Air Force’s maturing cargo fleet. These aircraft are expected to have a 2033 Entry into Service, factor in a 10% profit margin per aircraft, and comply with FAR 25 certification requirements. Some general requirements include:

- Payload
- The HLA must be capable of transporting three M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tanks at 71.2 tons each; or
- Forty-eight 463L pallets; or
- One hundred passengers on a separate deck or compartment from the main cargo bay(s); and three hundred-thirty troops on the main cargo deck bay(s)
- Crew
- Carry a minimum of eight crew members
- Four crew flying; and
- Four relief crew
- Carry a minimum of eight crew members
- Performance
- Must have a range of no less than 2,500 nm (plus reserves) at a cruise speed of Mach .80, for the maximum payload weight condition of 430,000 lb
- Must have a range of 5,000 nm (plus reserves) at a payload of 295,000 lb
- The ferry range must be at least 8,000 nm.
Great work to all of the students!