Category: Departments
Robotic jellyfish research wins Best Student Paper award at SPIE 2019
Congratulations to Aerospace Engineering Professor Shaw and his team of students for their SPIE 2019 Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication Best Student Paper Award!
Aerospace Engineering tour inspires local FIRST LEGO League team
FIRST LEGO League team #37463, The Hyper Novas, tour the Department of Aerospace Engineering to learn more about the space theme of this year’s competition
Aerospace Engineering Prof. James W. Cutler help FIRST LEGO team build solar oven
Aerospace Engineering Prof. James W. Cutler help FIRST LEGO team build solar oven
Aerospace Ph.D. student Shamsheer Chauhan receives honorable mention for the Towner Prize for Outstanding GSIs
Ph.D. student and AERO 481 GSI Shamsheer Chauhan receives honorable mention for College of Engineering Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding GSI.
Aerospace Ph.D. student Dominic Liao-McPherson awarded Professor Pierre T. Kabamba Award
Ph.D. student Dominic Liao-McPherson receives Professor Pierre T. Kabama Award for excellence in control systems.
Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. candidate Supraj Prakash awarded NASA fellowship for combustion research
Supraj Prakash, recipient of NASA fellowship for scramjet research, aims to bring us one step closer to a new age of hypersonic flight
Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Alireza Nafari, winner of the Advanced Research People’s Choice Award!
Ph.D. candidate Alireza Nafari receives award at UM’s 2018 Engineering Graduate Symposium for his poster, “Electromechanical Modeling and Experimental Verification of a Direct Write Nanocomposite”
Dean of Engineering Alec Gallimore elected to the National Academy of Engineering
Congratulations to Dean Gallimore for his election to the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest distinctions in engineering
Three professors inducted into NAE
The new inductees join 33 other University of Michigan members.
In memoriam: Dr. Donald T. Greenwood, Aerospace Engineering Professor Emeritus
With fondness and gratitude, we remember Professor Emeritus Don Greenwood (1923-2018), pioneer in dynamics, who taught Michigan aerospace engineering students for 38 years.
Aerospace Engineering Professor Cesnik and PhD student Renato Medeiros awarded 2018 ASME/Boeing Best Paper Award at SciTech 2019
Congratulations to Professor Cesnik and Renato Medeiros, awardees of the 2018 ASME/Boeing Best Paper Award!
Mars InSight’s escorts: Michigan Engineers built first deep-space CubeSats
The MarCO mission opens new space exploration opportunities that aren’t possible with large, expensive probes.
Bigelow Family Scholarship Fund endowed
The gift will provide need-based support for undergraduate students in the College of Engineering.
2018-19 Aerospace Engineering Centennial Scholarship Fund Award Recipients
Congratulations to our 2018-19 recipients of the Aerospace Engineering Centennial Scholarship Fund award!
EcoTek researcher cohort visits the Department of Aerospace Engineering to investigate projects
UM Aerospace welcomed EcoTek Lab researchers seeking to learn more about their research projects in autonomous systems and cybersecurity
Aerospace Engineering Assistant Professor Benjamin Jorns is awarded AFOSR Young Investigator Program award for electric thruster research
Congratulations to Professor Jorns, awardee of the AFOSR Young Investigator Program award