Share Departmental Anonymous Feedback
The Aerospace department values your feedback as a means of listening to you for continuous improvement.
Share your anonymous feedback with Aerospace department leadership
You may choose the faculty or staff member you would like to receive your feedback, including but not limited to: the department chair, unit administrator, Community and Outreach committee chair and academic program coordinator.
Please be aware that recipients of this form have reporting obligations and that information related to sexual or gender-based misconduct will be reported to the University of Michigan’s Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office (ECRT). ECRT will take action in response to the information, but ECRT’s ability to take effective action to address a concern that is reported anonymously is limited by the anonymity of the person(s) involved.
Share your anonymous feedback with the Aerospace Graduate Student Advisory Committee
Note that the information you provide here solely reaches the Aero GSAC officers/DEI subcommittee members, not faculty or administrators, unless you indicate otherwise. No one viewing this form is a mandatory reporter.
Thank you for helping strengthen our community!
University Resources for Conflict Resolution and Reporting
- Faculty ombuds
- Staff ombuds
- Student ombuds
- Office of Student Conflict Resolution
- Rackham resources for discrimination and harassment
- Report a campus climate concern
- Report hazing
- Report sexual and gender-based misconduct
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center
- Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office
- Ethics, Integrity & Compliance reporting