Oliver Jia-Richards

Assistant Professor


François-Xavier Bagnoud Aerospace Building
1320 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140

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Oliver Jia-Richards is an Assistant Professor in the University of Michigan Department of Aerospace Engineering and leads the Space Systems Laboratory. He received his Sc.D. in Space Propulsion and Controls (2022), Sc.M. in Aeronautics and Astronautics (2019), and Sc.B. in Aerospace Engineering (2018) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His research interests lie in the domain of space systems, with particular attention on the applications of electric propulsion devices and related technologies for space exploration with small satellites. Prior to joining the University of Michigan, Oliver was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Cornell University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.