Co-ops, Internships, and Research
One essential aspect of an engineering undergraduate education is the importance of gaining practical engineering experience before graduation. Experience is important for those who want a position in a corporation as well as those who plan to continue their education to the masters or PhD level.
Fortunately, there are many opportunities to gain this experience through the university, including the Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE) program, the co-op program, summer internships, student team projects and research positions. Take advantage of Michigan Engineering’s Engineering Career Resource Center (ECRC) for help finding and applying to internships and jobs for after graduation.
Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE)
U-M students can get a taste of the graduate student experience by participating in summer research internships on campus in the Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE) program. SURE aims to provide outstanding undergraduates with an opportunity to assess their interests and potential in pursuing research at the graduate level through a 10-12 week summer program of full-time research with a College of Engineering faculty mentor. Participants receive a stipend, attend regular meetings and seminars, and contribute to an abstract booklet with highlights of their summer research.
To apply online, students must be U-M undergraduates who have entered or completed their junior year, and met the program requirements (application deadline: January 15). Applicants must list their top three SURE projects in order of preference.
Review a recent list of Aerospace Engineering’s SURE research projects.
Co-op program
The co-op program is a unique opportunity for students to put theory into practice by combining academic study with a supervised, progressive, paid work experience in their field of study.
These placements are available to undergraduate and graduate students alike. Under the U-M College of Engineering, students begin the co-op program after their sophomore year, alternating between semesters at school and semesters working for a selected corporation, generally completing three work periods before graduation. With each successive period of work, the responsibilities of the student are increased, allowing the student to grow academically as well as professionally.
There are many advantages for a student in the co-op program, the biggest being the opportunity to “test drive” career options. Students gain exposure to the types of work that the industry has to offer, which can help them select classes with a specific specialty in mind.
Theories taught in the classroom can be used in actual job situations. The job experience can lead to a better understanding of the learned material as it provides a solid foundation for new material. Enhanced self-confidence and financial independence are other benefits bestowed on co-op students. Many students find co-op an opportune way to pay for most, if not all, of their education.
Finally, after graduation, co-op students are often offered a full time position with their co-op company, thus getting a jump on the job market.
Learn more about Michigan Engineering’s Cooperative Education Program.
Summer internships
Another popular way to gain experience is through summer internships at various corporations. Summer internships can be rewarding both monetarily and educationally. Much like co-op positions, summer internships can often lead to full time positions after graduation.
Some students prefer this arrangement because it provides hands-on experience without interrupting the standard academic schedule. The majority of large companies recruit through the Engineering Career Resource Center (ECRC).
Many students have found additional ways to obtain a summer internship position. Every year in the Fall, Tau Beta Pi and the Society of Women Engineers co-host the Engineering Career Fair at which many companies collect resumes for potential summer interns.
This is a fine way to informally learn more about a company while, at the same time, making a contact at that company. Another way students often obtain a summer position is by simply sending a letter and resume to a company of their choice, expressing interest in a summer internship; a finely-tuned resume can often get routed to a department in need of a summer intern.
Sometimes the easiest way to get offered a position is to simply know somebody who knows somebody who works at a company where you are interested in working. There are a variety of ways to begin networking, and these skills will be useful throughout a student’s entire career. For more information and advise about how to network as an undergraduate, contact the ECRC.
Student team projects
Student team projects are a great way to get hands-on engineering experience. The University of Michigan College of Engineering supports a wide array of student project team, and students who participate gain experience with all phases of the design, build, and test project cycle.
The Wilson Student Team Project Center, directed by Chris Gordon, occupies a facility adjacent to the FXB building and supports a diverse set of student team projects.
For information on aerospace-related student projects, visit the Students Teams & Projects.
MDP Credit
Students may be eligible to receive academic credit for their work on a Student Organization Team Project. You will need to work with your team leads and your faculty advisor/mentor to define and document your plans for the semester in which you wish to receive credit. The steps for registering for credit are as follows:
1. Define your work and role with your team leads.
2. Draft your objectives, outcomes, and deliverables.
3. Obtain agreement from your team’s faculty advisor to supervise and grade your work
4. Review this proposal with the team’s faculty advisor to confirm the scope and depth of your contribution and to determine the appropriate course level (255, 355, 455) and the number of credits to be earned.
5. Ask your advisor to send his/her approval to the MDP Academic Advisor to receive your permission to register for your course.
6. Register for the course by the drop/add deadline.
Research positions
Those who stay on campus to take classes over the summer, or others who simply want the challenge of exploring new areas of study, can opt for a research position. Many students who plan to continue their education in engineering fields often choose these types of opportunities.
Research experience can often lead to connections in some of the country’s other top graduate schools, or to a good professional and academic recommendation. Students should keep a watchful eye on bulletin boards, the weekly undergraduate newsletter from the Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, or check with specific professors who may work on projects of interest.
Reviewing research opportunities or undergraduate programs available in other departments can be an option, such as those elsewhere on campus or in the Big Ten.
Finding practical engineering experience can sometimes be a tedious job; but with a little hard work and a polished resume, students can find some type of early career engineering position while still attending school. Oftentimes, these jobs are rewarding both monetarily and educationally. In addition, they can lead to full-time positions or good graduate programs.
Research positions can be found through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP), or by contacting individual Aerospace Faculty.
Directed-Study Projects
Students can engage in research for credit through directed-study projects, which have the designation of X90 courses (AEROSP 290, 390, 490). Each such project is directed by a faculty member and is arranged together by the student and the faculty. Students interested in a project should contact a faculty member in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, or another engineering department, to discuss an idea for a project. It doesn’t have to be a complete idea, but the student must have some idea of the topic or area that they’d like to research. If the faculty member agrees to advise the project, they will grant the student permission to register for X90 credit. The student is responsible for verifying that the registration goes through at the agreed-upon number of credits (usually 1-3). During the semester, the student performs research and often meets with the advisor or other lab/group member(s). A written report is required at the end of the semester for grading. Up to 3 credits of AEROSP 390 or 490 can be used for technical electives.
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