Current Undergraduate Students

We have all the academic basics covered, plus programs to help you succeed and thrive.


Students declare a major, typically in their second or third semester at Michigan. 

incoming new female student at the orientation


Your advisor is there to help you plan your classes while your faculty advisor is there to give you career advice

students in a lab being proud of Michigan aerospace

SUGS Program

Maximize your time and tuition by earning a master’s degree one year after your bachelors. With a little early planning, our Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies (SUGS) program makes it easy.

two students studying at a table

Undergrad Courses

See information about courses, including prerequisites, course topics, objectives and outcomes. 

Man giving a our of the wind tunnels

Teaching Labs

Students are exposed to multiple disciplines in both engineering and the sciences including Aerospace, Electrical, Materials and Atmospheric Physics.

MBSE Programs

New courses and labs focus on industry practices and tools to teach systems engineering.

diverse women presenting at WAA

Undergrad Awards

See award description and stipend amount for each award.