Category: Departments
Morphable Aerial Drones: Building Simulators and Hardware
University of Michigan researcher Vasileios Tzoumas is using his aerospace engineering and science expertise to mentor students from Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program to develop the next generation of drone technology.
U-M student team is a finalist in NASA design competition
RASC-AL team develops sample collection system in innovation in space competition
Martins named Pauline M. Sherman Collegiate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
New Professorship awarded to Martins for his research and dedication to service
Karthik Duraisamy succeeds Ken Powell as head of the Ph.D. in Scientific Computing program
After years of service, Powell steps down and Duraisamy becomes the new program director.
Venkat Raman Elected a Fellow of The Combustion Institute
Raman distinguished for outstanding contributions to combustion
Avian secret: The key to agile bird flight is switching quickly between stable and unstable gliding
The finding could have implications for future agile autonomous aerial vehicles.
Two Aero Alums featured in Smithsonian exhibit celebrating Women in STEM
Celebrating Women Futures Month, the Smithsonian exhibit #IfThenSheCan consists of 120 3D printed life size statues of a diverse coalition of contemporary women STEM innovators and role models who are leaders in their fields.
Anthony Waas gives 2022 Dryden Research Lecture
Aerospace chair gives prestigious AIAA Lecture at the 2022 SciTech Forum
U-M presents keynote lecture at INCOSE Conference
A contingent of faculty and graduate students presented at the biggest systems engineering conference
U-M Aero Senior wins coveted fellowship
Erin Levesque awarded Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship
Aerospace Freshman receives first Patti Grace Smith Fellowship at U-M
Elijah Simpson wins Patti Grace Smith Fellowship
Halow selected for Aero Outstanding Performance Award
George Halow was selected to receive the 2021 Annual Aero Department Outstanding Performance Award.
Peretz Friedmann awarded 2022 AIAA Reed Aeronautics Award
Friedmann was awarded the 2022 Reed Aeronautics Award by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Congratulations to the Aerospace Staff Incentive Award Winners
Two Aerospace staff members were recognized for their exceptional service in 2021 with the College of Engineering Staff Incentive Award
Blue Origin Joins the MBSE & Systems Engineering Ecosystem at the University of Michigan
A new collaboration between Blue Origin and U-M Aerospace Engineering creates a win-win partnership
Henry Sodano Named 2022 SPIE Fellow
Professor Sodano honored for smart materials research and SPIE contributions