3012 François-Xavier Bagnoud Aerospace Building
1320 Beal Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2140
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Additional Title(s)
- Associate Department Chair for Teaching and Curriculum Initiatives
- Professor
Krzysztof J. Fidkowski is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan. Dr. Fidkowski earned his S.B. in Physics and S.B., S.M, and Ph.D. degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. Before joining the University of Michigan in 2008 as an assistant professor, he was a post-doctoral associate at the Aerospace Computational Design Laboratory at MIT. He previously served as chair of the CFD Subcommittee of the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee, organized fluids and CFD tracks at multiple AIAA conferences, and is an AIAA Associate Fellow. His primary research field is in algorithmic development for computational fluid dynamics, specifically in the use of adjoint methods for numerical error estimation, mesh adaptation, and uncertainty quantification.
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, 2014 – present
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering, 2008 – 2014
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- PhD Aerospace Engineering ’07
- SM Aerospace Engineering ’04
- SB Aerospace Engineering ’03
- SB Physics ’03
Research Interests
- Numerical Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Solution Verification
- Mesh Adaptation
- Model Reduction
- Shape Optimization
- High-Performance Computing
- Machine Learning
- AIAA Associate Fellow, 2020
- Vulcan’s Education Excellence Award, 2017
- Department of Energy Office of Science Early Career Research Program Award, 2013
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award, 2011
- Sigma Gamma Tau Silver Shaft Teaching Award, 2011, 2015