Category: Departments
Michigan Aerospace Remembers Apollo 15 Astronaut and Alumnus Al Worden
Apollo 15 Astronaut and University of Michigan Aerospace Alumnus Alfred M. Worden passed away on March 18, 2020, in his home in Texas.
First AE201 Intro to Eng class taught at Davis Aerospace High School
An AE201 Intro to Engineering class was taught at Davis Aerospace High School by Avin Vijay, a graduate student of Dr. Tony Waas.
Aerospace Professor Dan Inman receives a National Science Foundation grant for development of avian inspired morphing aircraft
Aerospace Professor Dan Inman receives a National Science Foundation grant to continue his research into avian inspired morphing aircraft.
Sydney Hamilton (BSAE ‘13) to be Honored with Statue
University of Michigan graduate Sydney Hamilton (BSAE ‘13) has been selected to be made into a life-size, 3-D printed statue as part of the “IfThenSheCan” exhibit at the Dallas NorthPark Center.
Michigan Aerospace Congratulates Kaelan Oldani, recipient of the Hugh G. Rummler Prize
Michigan Aerospace congratulates Kaelan Oldani, who received the prestigious College of Engineering Hugh G. Rummler Prize
Felix Lui, WAA win Aerospace Outreach Student Champion Awards
The Michigan Aero Outreach Champions award recognizes exceptional achievement in spreading awareness of Aerospace Engineering with people and communities outside the department. Recipients have demonstrated a passion for such outreach and conducted projects with a wide impact in the communities in which they take place. Outreach efforts have additionally been conducted with a consideration of…
Collins Aerospace VP, Juan deBedout Speaks to Aerospace Undergraduates
Dr. Juan de Bedout, Vice President of Advanced Technology at United Technologies Collins Aerospace, spoke to Aerospace Undergraduates about the design challenges of commercial aviation.
Aero 285 Holds “Culture in Careers: Changing the Face of Aerospace” Panel
Aero 285 Holds “Culture in Careers: Changing the Face of Aerospace” Panel featuring Ellen Chang, Dr. Kevin Michaels, Tia Sutton, and Tony Waas.
Dr. Andy Klesh awarded AIAA Engineer of the Year Award
Michigan Aerospace congratulates alumni Dr. Andy Klesh on recieving the AIAA Engineer of the Year award.
Congratulations to our faculty and staff recipients of College of Engineering and Aerospace Department Awards
The Aerospace Department congratulates our recipients of the Aerospace Engineering and College of Engineering awards.
Michigan Aerospace Wins 2020 AIAA SciTech Awards
Congratulations to the University of Michigan recipients of 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum Awards! Several students along with Professor Tony Waas were honored at this year’s SciTech Forum for their exceptional work and research in Aerospace.
Aerospace Professors Girard, Kolmanovsky, and Panagou receive award for their work at the Automotive Research Center
Aerospace Engineering congratulates three of our faculty who received the Ted Kennedy Family Faculty Team Excellence Award for 2019-20 for their work on the Automotive Research Center.
WAA receives MLK Spirit Award
Congratulations to Women in Aeronautics and Astronautics for receiving the Martin Luther King Spirit Award for exemplifying the leadership and vision of Dr. King through their commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion!
‘Me, The Other’ Q&A with Shidan Majidi
Documentary director shares his inspiration and the importance of listening and being an ally.
Aerospace Professor Anouck Girard receives College of Engineering Incentives Award
Professor Girard was recognized for her innovative outreach programs aimed at K-12 students.
Universities’ crucial role in our spacefaring future
To ensure that our species endures, we must advance space-based technologies and break our interdisciplinary boundaries.