Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The faculty, students, and staff of the University of Michigan Department of Aerospace Engineering are committed to a department culture that supports and celebrates each of our members in their studies and their work.

We know that excellence and diversity go hand-in-hand. Only with a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff – diversity of race, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, skin color, socioeconomic status, physical and mental challenges faced – can Michigan Aero be the leaders and best. Whether you are a student, an educator, a discoverer, an innovator, a technician, an administrator – or any combination of those – we value what makes you, you.

post-it messages of inclusion and openness in support of Michigan Engineering international students


Whether you are a student, an educator, a discoverer, an innovator, a technician, an administrator—or any combination of those—we value what makes you, you. See a list of faculty, staff, and student diversity, equity, and inclusion resources.

Aero DEI and Outreach Committess

The Aerospace Department DEI and Outreach Committees comprise students, faculty, and staff leaders. We work to support the University DEI strategic plan, and that of the College of Engineering: Beyond the five-year plan.  In particular, we work to forward the DEI College strategic objectives in our department.

Our goals

  • Create opportunities for engagement, learning, and dialogue about DEI
  • Identify and track metrics to monitor and demonstrate progress in advancing DEI goals
  • Provide accountability at all levels
  • Build a safe, supportive, and constructive climate
  • Create a welcoming and accessible environment
  • Enhance diverse representation in leadership among faculty, staff, and students
  • Support and uplift resources and events that advance DEI in our community


If you have any questions or want to get involved in our DEI efforts, please contact Liza Roberts.


Outreach plays an important role in representational diversity. Our efforts focus on local underserved communities.

Featured Activities:

Learn more about Aerospace Day


We want you to feel heard! This year, we have taken steps to hold ourselves accountable, increase transparency in our DEI efforts, and more equitably represent you.

Aero Department Feedback Form


Building a vibrant community makes us all feel like we belong.

Featured Activities:

Brown bag lunches with the department chair

Coffee hours—faculty-hosted virtual hangouts

Contact Stella Lightner to learn more about these events.


In an effort to improve our departmental climate, we are focusing on collecting statistics and improving mentorship.


As academics, we understand that learning is a lifelong process. We are dedicated to continuing this journey in pursuit of equitable representation.

Featured Efforts:

Semesterly AEROSP 200 “Perceptions, Expectations, Prejudices” lecture

Semesterly AEROSP 585 seminar on implicit bias, stereotype threat, and accumulation of disadvantage


Besides attending our events, there are many ways to get involved if you’re interested in contributing to our department’s DEI and outreach efforts.


Liza Roberts

diverse student working on generation solar car

AERO DEI Summary

Inform AERO staff, faculty, and students of the DEI Committee’s current status, progress, and goals.


Share your concerns using the following student, faculty, and staff anonymous reporting forms.

grad student with faculty shaking hands in the lab