Category: Faculty
Airships and hovercraft: How Aerospace Michigan uses ‘Skunkworks’ practical engineering to inspire and teach the next generation
Aerospace Professor Pete Washabaugh uses industrial engineering practices for design class that goes beyond the abstract to the practical.
Professor Panagou receives National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award
Congratulations to Professor Dimitra Panagou, who received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award for her work in autonomy
Harm Buning to be Enshrined in Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame
It was announced that the late Michigan Professor Harm Buning will be Enshrined in the Air Zoo Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame.
First AE201 Intro to Eng class taught at Davis Aerospace High School
An AE201 Intro to Engineering class was taught at Davis Aerospace High School by Avin Vijay, a graduate student of Dr. Tony Waas.
Aerospace Professor Dan Inman receives a National Science Foundation grant for development of avian inspired morphing aircraft
Aerospace Professor Dan Inman receives a National Science Foundation grant to continue his research into avian inspired morphing aircraft.
Michigan Aerospace Wins 2020 AIAA SciTech Awards
Congratulations to the University of Michigan recipients of 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum Awards! Several students along with Professor Tony Waas were honored at this year’s SciTech Forum for their exceptional work and research in Aerospace.
Aerospace Professors Girard, Kolmanovsky, and Panagou receive award for their work at the Automotive Research Center
Aerospace Engineering congratulates three of our faculty who received the Ted Kennedy Family Faculty Team Excellence Award for 2019-20 for their work on the Automotive Research Center.
Aerospace Professor Anouck Girard receives College of Engineering Incentives Award
Professor Girard was recognized for her innovative outreach programs aimed at K-12 students.
Universities’ crucial role in our spacefaring future
To ensure that our species endures, we must advance space-based technologies and break our interdisciplinary boundaries.
Mirko Gamba and Venkat Raman receive a DOE award for the University Turbine System Research (UTSR) program
Congratulations to Aerospace Professors Mirko Gamba and Venkat Raman on receiving a Department of Energy grant to continue their studies on pressure gain combustion for advanced turbine-based power generation systems.
Aerospace Professor James Driscoll named Fellow of The Combustion Institute
Congratulations to Professor James Driscoll on being named a Fellow of The Combustion Institute
Department Chair Dr. Anthony Waas awarded world fellow from the International Committee on Composite Materials
Congratulations to Dr. Tony Waas for his appointment as World Fellow of the International Committee on Composite Materials.
Aerospace Professor Joaquim R.R.A. Martins elected Fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society
Congratulations to Aerospace Prof. Joaquim R.R.A. Martins, who has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Fellow is the highest accolade that can be achieved in the Royal Aeronautical Society. In order to receive this honor, Professor Martins met three criteria: he has “made outstanding contributions in the profession of aeronautics,” he…
Professor Daniel Inman gives plenary lectures in France and China
Congratulations to Aerospace Professor Daniel Inman, who recently gave a plenary lecture at the 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART 2019) in Paris, France from July 8-11. The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Professor Inman delivered a talk titled, “Smart Structures for Bio-Inspired Morphing,” which presented “several unique…
In Memoriam Emeritus Professor Elmer G. Gilbert
Aerospace Engineering welcomes Mr. George F. Halow, Professor of Practice
We welcome Mr. George F. Halow, a longstanding leader at Ford Motor Company to his role of Professor of Practice at UM Aerospace